Editions Etling
Editions Etling covered a wide range of products, including glass, designed specifically for Etling. It is very rare to find an original paper label, such as the one shown below, still attached to a piece of glass. The name of the design or catalogue number was usually hand written in the space on the label.

Etaleune is a signature for “ETAblissements LEUNE” [7]. The company’s main office was situated at 28bis, rue du Cardinal Lemoine, Paris. They produced glass between 1900 and 1930. Etablissements Leune has no connection with Edmond Etling that can be determined with certainty, though many sellers of glass marked Etaleune claim it.
A number of designs made for Etling are also known marked ‘Julien’. These include the Epis de blé vase, the Thistles lamp base, number 13 in the CLR catalogue, and a bowl marked 79 in the CLR catalogue. Therefore, it is thought that glass marked Julien was made at Choisy-le-Roi/Sevres.
Millers Glass fact file A-Z by Ivo Haanstra [5] states that Julien is a “trade name for pressed glass made in France c.1930”. But there is no mention of who the manufacturer might be.
It is noted that Edmond Etling’s nephew, Julien Dreyfus, was the administrator at the Edmond Etling et Cie foundry in Paris. Whether this Julien has any connection with the trade mark is unknown. It may be purely coincidental.
Made in France
It is very rare to find a paper label stating provenance on an Etling piece. They may have been used only on pieces where it was impractical to include such information as part of the mould. This example, which measures 18 mm wide x 12 mm high, was found on a knife rest featuring a hen. Whether this exact form of label was exclusive to Etling is uncertain.

The signatures ‘Richard’ or ‘Richard et cie’ in better quality pieces were used on cameo glass made by Loetz for Etling from 1921 onwards [1] [3]. Apparently, the orders for the glass were handled by J. Jouve, a firm trading in glass and other goods, which was located a few doors down from Etling’s shop in rue de Paradis, Paris [4].

It is extremely rare to find an original Richard paper label still attached to a piece. The number may be a stock or catalogue number. Image courtesy of Steve Underhill at Antiques at Wendover.
Cappa [2] noted that a tray signed Verlux has a similar pinecone pattern as an Etling vase and implied that Verlux is a brand of Etling. However, Hartmann [6] quoting from Le bulletin officiel de la propriété industrielle et commerciale Paris states that the department store SPIP (Société Parisienne d’importation de Porcelaines) officially registered the brands Verlux, SPIP and Vermer with the Chambers of Commerce in 1935. Hartmann also says [translated from German] “‘the glassware Verlux was produced at Hollophane – Andelys” and also “Verlux is produced for the proprietor of the SPIP establishment, Paris, Rue de la Grange-aux-Belles 39.” Verlys was Hollophane’s own trademark for decorative glass. The script font used in moulded signatures for Verlys and Verlux are very similar.